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Biography Mutya Lorenza

Profile Mutya Lorenza | Celebrity profile - Mutya Lorenza Gondo or known as Mutya Lorenza popular name, was born in Jakarta, DKI Jakarta, precisely he was born on April 27, 1986. This Mutya is a pop singer from Indonesia who is now in a row of artists singer board up in the ground water.

Previously, Mutya Lorenza works as a businesswoman who lives in the city of Adelaide, South Australia. When Mutya back to Jakarta or Indonesia, he began trying to break into the recording industry by producing his own albums which have even been recorded on his own independent label, namely PT. Im Gone Entertainment.

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Mutya Lorenza, in addition to widely known as a pop singer, he is also known by the public as a music producer, songwriter, entrepreneur and investor. Singing is her hobby while still attending primary school. However, after the release of their debut album and it was well received by the public, so he eventually cultivate artistic talents to better voice than before.

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Source of information: http://id.wikipedia.org
Biography Mutya Lorenza Biography Mutya Lorenza Reviewed by Erik Priana on 2:33 AM Rating: 5

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