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Biography Aninditha Rahma Cahyadi JKT48

Profile Aninditha Rahma Cahyadi | Celebrity profile - Aninditha Rahma Cahyadi or more commonly known as the name Anin JKT48 (for joining the group JKT48), was born in the city of Palembang, South Sumatra, exactly he was born on January 5, 1999. Anin itself is a young singer nationality Indonesia and is one one member of the idol group JKT48. Anin is a 3rd generation originating from the city of Palembang, South Sumatra, Indonesia. Anin become a member JKT48 entry in Tim KIII since December 1, 2016. Currently, Anin is also a member of the dance of the sub-unit JKT48 Dance Project.

Anin is a member JKT48 known with sweet words acquaintance "Like the wind will always blow away some sunshine to your days. I Anin". Anin own famous name when he joined in 2014 JKT48 ago and until now known by Anin JKT48. He is a member JKT48 who embraced Islam. He loved the world of music, especially like the stream of pop music.

Aninditha Rahma Cahyadi - Wikipedia bahasa Indonesia, JKT48 | Profil Anggota | Aninditha Rahma Cahyadi, Aninditha Rahma Cahyadi - Wiki48 - Stage48

Previous Aninditha Rahma Cahyadi or JKT48 Anin is making his debut as a student training and to sign incorporated in Tim T, precisely in March 2014 to May 2015. In 2014, Anin entered in Single Member Selection 6th JKT48. Then sign in Single Member Selection 10th JKT48 also precisely in 2015 ago. Almost one year he joined Tim T, but in December 2016 he was moved from team to team KIII T sign up now. He also entered in Single Member Selection JKT48 13th, 2016.

That is a short review about the Cahyadi Profile Aninditha Rahma. Hopefully the above article is not to disappoint the loyal fans of Anin JKT48, and you can also add the latest information regarding your JKT48 idol here. Thank you very much for your visit ...

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Source of information: http://www.bioseleb.com
Biography Aninditha Rahma Cahyadi JKT48 Biography Aninditha Rahma Cahyadi JKT48 Reviewed by Erik Priana on 6:03 AM Rating: 5

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