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Biography Dessy Fitri

Profile Dessy Fitri | Celebrity profile - Dessy Fitri was born in Jakarta, DKI Jakarta, precisely he was born on December 9, 1970. Dessy itself is a singer and actress whose nationality Indonesia. Dessy publicly known as a singer of pop, rock, ballads and gospel, and is currently ruled by the company Dessy Hemagita Records and Warner Music Malaysia.

Dessy Fitri Indonesia is one singer who can be regarded as a singer legend. Dessy has the ability to sing that high technique as an international singer Mariah Carey. Despite her vocal technique in atasrata average, but in fact a career in the music world Dessy far brighter in the Malaysian state than in his native country, namely Indonesia.

Dessy Fitri - Wikipedia bahasa Indonesia, ensiklopedia bebas, Dessy Fitri - Biography - IMDb, Dessy Fitri Bio | Dessy Fitri Career | MTV

In 1996, Dessy launched the single premiere of the song "Sad Dream", the song enough to make music listeners know him. Then, the following year ie 1997 Dessy re-released the song entitled "Dessy Fitri". After that, releasing several other albums such as You Go Again Takkan, Dessy Fitri Pure Creation, suffice it to me and The Best of Jonathan Butler.

Personal life
Dessy is a former lover of Nice "Neutral". Dessy newly converted to Christianity in the first half of 2003-an is now more busy in spiritual activities and also more singing gospel.

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Source of information: http://iid.wikipedia.org
Biography Dessy Fitri Biography Dessy Fitri Reviewed by Erik Priana on 7:24 PM Rating: 5

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