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Biography Maharani

Maharani Profile | Celebrity profile - Maharani, was born in Jakarta, DKI Jakarta, precisely he was born on June 18, 1985. Maharani is one of the famous singer nationality Indonesia. Maharani famous name when she sang a song called "When Love Teasing". Maharani started his career in the music world since 2011 until now.

Since childhood Maharani was already like world music, especially vocal. He often sings while browsing at home. Even though he was a dozen years, but it does not make his intention to try to develop its voice talent. Maharani since childhood has dared to participate in various competition in singing, it's just that his talent is still in demand by the public.

Gayatri Devi - Wikipedia, Puan Maharani - Wikipedia bahasa Indonesia, ensiklopedia, Maharani Swarnamoyee - Wikipedia

After growing up, Maharani eventually solidify to focus on developing the voice talent for the ideals since childhood he wanted to become a professional singer. And finally a voice talent who has turned out to be favored by one of the renowned producer in Indonesia, and finally they work together to make an album.

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Read previous: Biography Maera
Source of information: http://www.bioseleb.com
Biography Maharani Biography Maharani Reviewed by Erik Priana on 4:49 AM Rating: 5

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