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Biography Maya Rumantir

Profile Maya Rumantir | Celebrity profile - Maya Olivia Rumantir or better known by the name of Maya Rumantir (born in the city of Makassar, South Sulawesi, precisely on April 2, 1964). Maya is an actress, photo model, singer and politician whom are Indonesian. Ujungpandang she began to sing and also won the award for favorite singer in the era of 1976 and champion of the 3rd Festival Pop Singer South Sulawesi. After moving to Jakarta, he attended Our Lady of the Sacred Heart High School. In addition he had been a champion junior badminton tournament in Jakarta Barat.

In 1980, Maya Rumantir selected as Queen of BASF Indonesia and never won a Golden Record for the pop singer era 1985-1986. In 1988, he also has won the title of The Best Indonesian Photo Model (1988). After that, he became president of the Institute of Human Resources Development Maya Gita. He also founded the Maya Bhakti Pertiwi. Having a relationship with Tommy Suharto, he is now married together Takala Gerald Manumpak Hutasoit. Their marriage was blessed with a son named Kiara Oliveralda Tiurnauli Hutasoit.

Maya Rumantir - Wikipedia bahasa Indonesia, ensiklopedia bebas, Biografi Maya Rumantir - Foto, Video, Riwayat Hidup, Biodata Maya Rumantir termasuk Profil Pribadi & Data Keluarga

In legislative elections in 2014, the Maya Rumantir forward as candidates DPD dapil North Sulawesi, he also qualified for Senayan and has been a member of DPD period 2014 to 2019 by a vote of 206 496 voices.

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Source of information: http://id.wikipedia.org
Biography Maya Rumantir Biography Maya Rumantir Reviewed by Erik Priana on 7:47 PM Rating: 5

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