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Biography Sundari Soekotjo

Profile Sundari Soekotjo | Celebrity profile - Sundari Untinasih Soekotjo or better known as Sundari Sukoco (born in Jakarta, on April 14, 1965). Sundari is a keroncong singer nationality Indonesia. He also taught as an art teacher at SMA 38 Jakarta. Education is D-3 Teachers' Training College in 1987 and a bachelor of music from the Jakarta State University in 2002.

Career and personal life
The love Sundari against Keroncong starts since his father Soekotjo Ronodihardjo, an army lieutenant one (late) introduced him to the music lilting it. Her father once sang songs Keroncong hobbies often take Sundari sing together. In the family, since childhood the second of three brothers who used to be called Unti received harsh education and discipline of his father. Although he was often evasive when asked to exercise, Sundari denied the love of music came from coercion kroncong both parents, especially the father. "I wrestle Keroncong for his own volition," he recalls.

Age 9 years, she sings pop along Joko Sutisno in TVRI. Furthermore Sundari kroncong studied singing at some of the teachers. In 1975, at the age of 10 years old, he began to follow the race to become the representative of the SD Halim in Jakarta, where he attended school. New in 1977 he focused on keroncong and one year later, following the various festivals kroncong. At the festival kroncong teenage, Sundari 1978 finally selected to be a finalist.

In 1979, he finally penetrated the second prize winner in the event the radio and TV star to adult women kroncong category. It was by stealing age, because Unti has not reached 15 years. He managed to fool the committee because of the kebaya and bun. Sundari only briefly enjoyed the praise thanks to his performance, Sundari strongly criticized for getting caught if he is still under age. At that time in junior high school 80 Halim. "My age was 14 years old at that time", he said.

Winner of the radio star television achieved at a festival in 1983. Besides singing, Sundari also become an art teacher at SMA 38 Jakarta. It was inevitable he often dikerjain disciples guy, the car was given flowers, his face drawn by the most recalcitrant pupil, the boys sit in front row seat every time she teaches.

Sundari Soekotjo - Wikipedia bahasa Indonesia, ensiklopedia bebas, Biodata Sundari Soekotjo termasuk Profil Pribadi & Data Keluarga, Jawaban Sundari Soekotjo Soal Menikahi Menteri | selebritas | tempo.co

Year 2002 be a year full of blessings for him. In 2002, he released the album kroncong original entitled "Dissenters Promise" the album became her first original album kroncong, where he sang accompanied by music keroncong. Thanks to this album, he was named the recipient kroncong Award 2002 held at Yayasan Bina Saints and Radio Republik Indonesia. In the same year, he also received a special award from the council in the event the categorization of AMI Sharp Award-6. On August 14, 2002, he graduated as a bachelor of music by the Jakarta State University (formerly Teachers' Training College) with quite satisfactory.

Despite reaping much success in his career, his marriage with a pilot named Arman Surjadi eventually foundered amid street, in 2004. Now she has to care for her only child named (Putri Intan Permata) as a single parent. When asked about his son, Sundari said that children who are growing up is starting to show a desire to follow in his footsteps. "My heart was touched, when at the age of 9 years he has wanted to record. I release him to choose the terms have responsibilities. Do not ride his mother's name ".

With its status as a single parent, attention and affection and the economy is now their responsibility. And for now, she is studying again and he is looking for knowledge of the world singing and others. He hoped that the knowledge acquired in the lecture, he will be working in the field other than singing.

On Monday, February 1, 2010, the ideals Unti, nickname, want to win the highest academic field has been reached. In front of the examiners at the Jakarta State University, she successfully defended her dissertation entitled; Influence of Organizational Culture, Leadership Behavior and Satisfaction Organizational Commitment Employees working against PT Pembangunan Perumahan (Persero) with graduated cum laude.

When asked whether, after becoming a doctor he would retire sing, he said he would return to teaching in the field of Human Resource Management. He may take a different direction than the other artists who choose to go into politics. In addition to singing kroncong and also tried to Keroncong remains unpopular, Unti have been called the world of education that makes elected as Ambassador Script.

To celebrate the 40 years of work, Sundari had offered a grand concert titled "Hum Keroncong Indonesia: Sundari Soekotjo 40 Years of Work", the concert held at Ciputra Artpreneur Theater, South Jakarta exactly on April 21, 2016. The event was a concert right on Kartini Day , The concert was enlivened by top singers like Rossa, Winky Wiryawan, Kunto Aji, Ikke Nurjanah, Didi Kempot, Dian Mita, Typhoon Tofano, and so forth.

Such comprehensive information about Profile Sundari Soekotjo. Hopefully the information contained in this article can give you the benefit of knowledge that visits this website. Thank you very much for your visit ...

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Source of information: http://www.bioseleb.com
Biography Sundari Soekotjo Biography Sundari Soekotjo Reviewed by Erik Priana on 7:23 AM Rating: 5

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