Biography Sri Lintang JKT48
Profile Sri Lintang | Celebrity profile - Sri Lintang or full name Sri Lintang Wulan Lisdiyanti is often called by the familiar name Lintang or Lily, was born in Jakarta, DKI Jakarta, precisely he was born on November 5, 2000. Lintang itself is a singer and dancer from Indonesia at the same time being Trainee JKT48 members with the fourth generation. He actually native of the city of Cirebon, West Java - Indonesia.
Members JKT48 named Sri Lintang has two unique nickname ie Lintang and Lily. But he is more commonly called by the name Lintang JKT48. Sentence acquaintance when he became a member Trainne in JKT48 is "Out of the magical bag that will make you laugh. Hi I Lintang". Lintang or Lily itself has officially joined JKT48 precisely on May 16, 2015. He was one of the members of the adherents of Islam.
Lintang is a tomboy girl time before becoming a member JKT48. On October 31, 2015, Lintang has been promoted from candidate to become Trainee Trainee and guided by senior Haruka (Team Captain T) together with Devi, Christi, and also Jinan Safa Safira. Lintang has ever experienced a typo when I first wrote Tweet on Twitter, like Ayana (Oshimen, JKT48 Tim J). Oshi latitude in JKT48 is Ayana, Yona, and Feni. In addition, Lintang has Oshi in SNH48 (idol group from China), which Jiong Liu Ran. Lintang friends closer to Fia and Yuri.
Such is a brief review of Profile Sri Lintang. Hopefully useful and hopefully the information would be helpful and broaden your knowledge about the world of artists throughout the country. Thank you very much want to visit here ...
Read previous: Biography Ruth Damayanti Sitanggang JKT48
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Members JKT48 named Sri Lintang has two unique nickname ie Lintang and Lily. But he is more commonly called by the name Lintang JKT48. Sentence acquaintance when he became a member Trainne in JKT48 is "Out of the magical bag that will make you laugh. Hi I Lintang". Lintang or Lily itself has officially joined JKT48 precisely on May 16, 2015. He was one of the members of the adherents of Islam.
Lintang is a tomboy girl time before becoming a member JKT48. On October 31, 2015, Lintang has been promoted from candidate to become Trainee Trainee and guided by senior Haruka (Team Captain T) together with Devi, Christi, and also Jinan Safa Safira. Lintang has ever experienced a typo when I first wrote Tweet on Twitter, like Ayana (Oshimen, JKT48 Tim J). Oshi latitude in JKT48 is Ayana, Yona, and Feni. In addition, Lintang has Oshi in SNH48 (idol group from China), which Jiong Liu Ran. Lintang friends closer to Fia and Yuri.
Such is a brief review of Profile Sri Lintang. Hopefully useful and hopefully the information would be helpful and broaden your knowledge about the world of artists throughout the country. Thank you very much want to visit here ...
Read previous: Biography Ruth Damayanti Sitanggang JKT48
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Biography Sri Lintang JKT48
Reviewed by Erik Priana
4:01 PM

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