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Biography Astrid

Astrid Profile | Celebrity profile - Astrid Sartiasari (born in Surabaya, East Java, January 27, 1982). Astrid itself is a woman who works as singers Indonesia. Astrid is the daughter of the couple husband and wife Drs. HM Ali Basjar and Dra. Siti Kustiyah. He adherents of Islam. He is married with Arlan Djoewarsa.

Astrid spent his school years in the city of Surabaya. Since the school year in Surabaya, Astrid is already getting a lot of awards in singing. One is the Best Vocal Band Festival High School in Surabaya. Astrid had joined a band, but eventually disbanded. Astrid later appeared regularly at Colors Café Surabaya. Until the management of Colors offers Astrid voice demo to Sony Music.

Sony Music who had been attracted by the unique vocal character Astrid invited to fill out a soundtrack album entitled "Puncture Jelangkung" through a song called "Queen of Light" was released in 2003. Astrid was also invited to join in a compilation album entitled "A Portrait of Lil "by performing a single song Lil newest work titled" Not 100% ". He is also the soundtrack of a movie called" Vina Bilang Cinta "re-cycle through the song" in My chest There's You "and" Love ".

Astrid Lindgren - Wikipedia, A short biography | Astrid Lindgren, Astrid (Character) - Biography - IMDb

In late 2005 the Astrid again released a self-titled album with excellent color so different, dark-pop. The album featured the single, "Love It", was once the impression of a 'dark' sound with minimal noise. The song "Love" as the theme-song movie "Mirror" with three other songs, namely "I Want You Forever", "Light of Love" and "Farewell". In this album, Astrid also had a duet with Andi / rif in a song called "I Want You Forever".

In 2006, Astrid had collaborated with the band Saint Loco in the song "Peace" are present in an album entitled Vision For Transition. In February 2007, Astrid repackaged re-release of the debut album featuring the hit-Astrid with the single "I Make The Second". The song is a champion in competition CILAPOP 2006 is the work of M. Novi songs Umar. Rhythmic songs sassy and a little bit childish is arranged by the cold hand Bongky and Hatim. In the same year, Astrid trusted to bring a song re-cycle of re-make Badai Pasti Berlalu (2007 film). He performed the song popularized by musicians legend Christophe entitled "White Pigeons" .and the year 2010 Astrid re-issue a new album titled "I See Now" with the hits singles "About Pain" and "Tak Ingin Loved".

Okay, so just a quick review Profile Astrid. We wish you well as other visitors happy and hopefully you were also willing to share information with friends you are at home or in social media. Thank you very much for your visit ...

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Source of information: http://id.wikipedia.org
Biography Astrid Biography Astrid Reviewed by Erik Priana on 9:25 PM Rating: 5

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