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Biography Deasy Natalina

Profile Deasy Natalina | Celebrity profile - Natalina Deasy Sitorus or more publicly known by the name Deasy Natalina, exactly he was born on December 12, 1981. Deasy itself is one of the singers graduated from singing talent in Indonesia who is also Indonesian nationals. Deasy is known as a singer of pop music genre Batak descent.

Deasy Natalina himself had auditioned singing talent search in "Indonesian Idol" first season in 2004, but the pace stalled in the top 50 just in the talent search event. Diaa Dreamgirls also had to follow the event on Global TV and even managed to move up into the top four. In 2014, assisted by Ryan d'Masiv and also Ade Govinda, finally Deasy debut album has been released under the title "My Music Diary" which launched three hits, the two of them made a music video in Australia and Los Angeles, United States ,

Deasy Natalina - Wikipedia bahasa Indonesia, ensiklopedia, Daftar penyanyi wanita Indonesia - Wikipedia bahasa Indonesia, Deasy Natalina's Biography — Free listening, videos, concert

The very best-selling album in the market. So no wonder the name Deasy Natalina at the time it was popular and publicly known as a talented singer graduated from Indonesian Idol. And rumors about Deasy, reportedly currently undergoing the process of recording a new album which will be launched this year. Hmmm..kita forward yes newest album, whether it is more successful than the previous album or just the opposite.

Thus it's done reviews on the profile Deasy Natalina. Hopefully though brief but can give a little science to visitors here. Thank you very much for your visit ...

Read previous: Biography Deasy Arisandi
Source of information: http://id.wikipedia.org
Biography Deasy Natalina Biography Deasy Natalina Reviewed by Erik Priana on 3:55 AM Rating: 5

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