Biography Herlin Widhaswara
Profile Herlin Widhaswara | Celebrity profile - Herlin Pancawati Widhaswara or better known by its popular name Widhaswara Herlin, born in Bandung, West Java, rather he was born on 08 May 1963. Herlin is a professional singer Indonesian nationals. Herlin was active in the music world since 1981 and ended in the 1980s.
Herlin Widhaswara is a female singer who take shelter in DD record company Record, Record Yanis, Purnama Records and also Insan Records. Herlin known to the public as an homage to pop female singer and disco. Name skyrocketed when launching his solo song entitled "My Love Can not Be Bought", he collaborated with Alex Twins.
But not only the title of the song that just makes the name Herlin Widhaswara famous in Indonesia, some of the titles of other songs that made his name explode them Him, Do not Ask Again cleanness, Manis in Lips Other at Heart, Non Stop Disco, I still have love and Melody Love ,
Such was the discussion of Herlin Profile Widhaswara. Hopefully people like the information we provide in today's article. Hopefully useful and you are happy. Thank you very much for your visit ...
Read previous: Biography Henny Purwonegoro
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Herlin Widhaswara is a female singer who take shelter in DD record company Record, Record Yanis, Purnama Records and also Insan Records. Herlin known to the public as an homage to pop female singer and disco. Name skyrocketed when launching his solo song entitled "My Love Can not Be Bought", he collaborated with Alex Twins.
But not only the title of the song that just makes the name Herlin Widhaswara famous in Indonesia, some of the titles of other songs that made his name explode them Him, Do not Ask Again cleanness, Manis in Lips Other at Heart, Non Stop Disco, I still have love and Melody Love ,
Such was the discussion of Herlin Profile Widhaswara. Hopefully people like the information we provide in today's article. Hopefully useful and you are happy. Thank you very much for your visit ...
Read previous: Biography Henny Purwonegoro
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Biography Herlin Widhaswara
Reviewed by Erik Priana
11:58 PM

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