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Biography Herlina Effendi

Profile Herlina Effendi | Celebrity profile - Herlina Effendi, was born in Jakarta, precisely he was born on January 16, 1951. Herlina is one female singer nationality Indonesia. Herlina start vacuum in singing since the 1990s. He has been known to the public as one of the female singers homage to the genre of music dangdut.

At that time, dangdut music was popular in the homeland of Indonesia. To get a position in the list of female dangdut singer in the country is quite difficult. Herlina started his musical career since participated in various singing competitions, and from which his name became known to many people and even to the ears of the famous record producer dii Indonesia.

Herlina Effendi - Wikipedia bahasa Indonesia, ensiklopedia bebas, Album 12 Dangdut terpopuler *** Panas - Herlina Effendy - YouTube, Goyang Dangdut / Herlina Effendy - YouTube

The songs are quite famous of Herlina include Bamboo Flute, Well Pumps, Fishing Preserve, Cong-cong Balicong, report cards Red and many more titles of the songs are also able detonates his name. Herlina name is now included in the row dangdut singers woman is taken into account. Unfortunately, now he has a vacuum in the world who ever made his name, she prefers to take care of his family.

Such reviews from us about Profile Herlina Effendi. Hopefully review that we make here can be useful for adolescents who have a flair for the art of singing is constantly evolving and trying hard. Thank you very much for your visit ...

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Source of information: http://www.bioseleb.com
Biography Herlina Effendi Biography Herlina Effendi Reviewed by Erik Priana on 12:12 AM Rating: 5

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