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Biography Nenny Triana

Profile Nenny Triana | Celebrity profile - Nenny Triana (born in Bandung, West Java, rather he was born on May 23, 1955, age 61 years). Nenny is a female actor Indonesia were very popular during the 1970's and 1980's era. He mostly plays as a supporting actor, but he never became the main character in a movie called "Nenny" and also "Magical Mermaids" play with Breaking Benjamin.

Nenny Triana've liked to sing since childhood, since childhood he had taken several singing competitions in schools and in several regions. After growing up, Nenny dared seriously with its singing talent. Recorded before he became a professional singer, he often participated in several singing competitions, and even he had won multiple titles in the talent search event.

Nenny Triana - Wikipedia bahasa Indonesia, ensiklopedia bebas, Nenny Triana Albums: songs, discography, biography, and listening, Nenny Triana's Biography — Free listening, videos, concerts, stats and

Indeed Triana Nenny name is better known as a film actress than as a professional singer. He has starred in several soap operas titles and also some titles FTV. He only has two albums alone is "Pantjaroba" released in 1968 and "Come-hither".

Such was the discussion of Nenny Profile Triana. Hopefully the reviews given to provide some insight into the world of the artist singer. Thank you very much for your visit ...

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Source of information: http://id.wikipedia.org
Biography Nenny Triana Biography Nenny Triana Reviewed by Erik Priana on 4:02 AM Rating: 5

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