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Biography Rita Sugiarto

Profile Rita Sugiarto | Celebrity profile - Derita Kismiarti or better known by its popular name Rita Sugiarto, was born in the city of Semarang, precisely on September 19, 1960. Rita is a dangdut singer from Indonesia senior Islamic religion. His name became known publicly since he was a duet and dubbing in films Rhoma Irama, such as Old Guitar, Wandering, and Young Blood.

Great talent as a singer Rita Sugiarto've shown since I was in elementary school. He managed to win some pop music festivals ranging from Semarang municipality level and even up to the provincial level. At a very young age, 13 years, he decided to move to Jakarta. Good fortune was over to her powerful voice ini.Dia offered to duet with Rhoma Irama singing rhythmic songs dangdut. The result of all that dirilinsya duet album together with "The King of Dangdut" selling well in the market and even always certified platinum.

Rita Sugiarto - Wikipedia bahasa Indonesia, ensiklopedia bebas, Biodata Foto Profil Biografi Rita Sugiarto Lengkap Dengan Agama, Biodata Rita Sugiarto, Penyanyi Dangdut Dan Juri D'Academy

Since joining the group 'Sonnet' in 1976 to 1981 at least 20 albums have been released. Among others: Young Blood, Begadang II, and Guitar Tua. Rhoma Irama last album together, entitled "Election", which was released in 1981. Then he decided to secede by Rhoma Irama teacher who had made his name. In 1981 he was married to Jacky Zimah. Together with her husband and then set up the Malay Orchestra Jackta Group, with the release of debut titled "Vol.1". The first single on the album is titled "Jacky". The song was created solely by Rita. Tells the story of his love for her husband. Not unexpectedly this song exploded outstanding in the market. The tape was sold to reach 2 million pieces. This is a dangdut album sales record selling of all time. Songs "Jacky" was broadcast everywhere. It is said that the album was also released in Japan and the video Wara Wiri in Tokyo television. Until now dozens of albums and hundreds of songs composed Rita Sugiarto, but nobody sefenomenal "Jacky".

In an interview in the early 80s, Rhoma Irama once said, that "Rita was rare," because in addition to excellent sound memililiki, Rita also able to create songs to be sung alone, and mostly become hits. The Statement Rhoma perhaps no exaggeration, because despite three decades pursue the world of dangdut, Rita still exist, while the singers of his generation many who have already retired. Amid the proliferation of young dangdut singers who put forward rocking, Rita remains in demand as a singer recording and stage, as he put forward the vocal quality.

Songs were sung and popularized Rita Sugiarto, is still often sung on stage dangdut. This is understandable, because Rita Sugiarto is still a mecca for female dangdut singer, besides elvy sukaesih. That is why among the music lovers Dangdut Rita Sugiarto touted as Diva Dangdut, while elvy sukaesih referred to as the Queen of Dangdut.

As a senior dangdut singer, Rita is known as a low profile, which is willing to share knowledge to the juniors. No wonder when United Artists Music Melayu Indonesia (PAMMI) blaspheming Inul appearance in the early 2000s, Rita is not too concerned about the appearance of Inul. And even Rita willing to perform on one stage with the singer from the Pasuruan who idolized him. It's time to make the King of Dangdut Rhoma Irama angry with Rita Sugiarto.

In the midst of hectic stage schedule, Rita never made the comedian and presenter with Olga Syahputra as his personal assistant.

Personal life
Married to a man named Zacky Zimah in 1981, Rita has been blessed with 3 children. Rita had divorced her husband and her eldest son, Jerry Zimah had died suddenly in 2008. The divorce was made Rita disappointed. The disappointment was poured in his songs include: Eating Heart, World boyfriend Hereafter, and a wolf in sheep's clothing.

Similarly, reviews of the world Profile Rita Sugiarto. Hopefully biographical information about the artist above have numerous beneficial for connoisseurs of the art of singing. Thank you very much for your visit ...

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Source of information: http://www.bioseleb.com
Biography Rita Sugiarto Biography Rita Sugiarto Reviewed by Erik Priana on 4:28 PM Rating: 5

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