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Biography Rien Djamain

Profile Rien Djamain | Celebrity profile - Rien Djamain (born in the city of Ujung Pandang, Indonesia, precisely he was born on April 18, 1956). The singer who has a full name Indrianti Djamain Rien is a singer nationality Indonesia. He learned to sing a self-taught in his brother named Ida Djamain popular as Djamain Sisters.

He likes songs or bosanova Latin jazz genre. Figures which he considered as the teacher who introduced him to jazz is Jack Lesmana, Nien Lesmana and also Mas Josh.

Started singing jazz music while participating in the event "The tone and improvisation Jack Lesmana" on private television TVRI Jakarta in the era of the 1970s. Together with Jack Lesmana also he made the first recording in 1976, with the album title "Fire Asmara", which was quite successful.

Rien Djamain - Wikipedia bahasa Indonesia, ensiklopedia bebas, Daftar penyanyi wanita Indonesia - Wikipedia bahasa Indonesia, Rien Djamain Albums: songs, discography, biography, and listening

In 1978, Rien Djamain recording his second album entitled "Tears", and in 1979 he was re-launched his third album titled "Master and Us". Together Jopie Item Combo and Big Band Soesman Abadi, recording bosanova style. He was also one of the singers who pioneered jazz event at Pasar Seni Ancol, Jakarta, which appeared accompanied by the band led by Karim Suweileh (drummer).

Jazz singer one armed with Ermy Kulit and Margie Segers. Besides good at singing, she was also good at composing songs. He's a lot of work with Jack Lesmana in the 70s.

That brief information about the profile Rien Djamain. Hopefully you like and love to keep visiting the website at this time we are managing well. Thank you very much for your visit ...

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Source of information: http://www.bioseleb.com
Biography Rien Djamain Biography Rien Djamain Reviewed by Erik Priana on 4:14 AM Rating: 5

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