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Biography Santi Sardi

Profile Santi Sardi | Celebrity profile - Santi Sardi (born in Jakarta, precisely he was born on June 3, 1969, age 47 years). Santi is the eldest daughter of the legendary violinist Idris Sardi artist who also followed the steps of his father. A singer in the era of the 1970s, one armed with a little-known singers among others like Chicha Koeswoyo and also yoan tanamal besides singing she also play movies.

Santi Sardi had time to get the lead role in a movie titled "Mama Do not Cry" Directed by Sofia W.d. and a film titled "Children Not Hordes" played by his own brother Trian is Ajeng Sardi and also Lukman Sardi.

Santi Sardi - Wikipedia bahasa Indonesia, ensiklopedia bebas, Santi Sardi: Lukman Pindah Agama Silaturahmi Tetap Terjalin - Celeb, Santi Sardi - Biography - IMDb

Santi has spawned a lot of songs that are very popular in the industry Belantikan homeland. Moreover, he was not only known as a professional singer, but he also publicly known as a movie actress who can simply top in Indonesia. There have been many titles of films that have been starred, among others such as "Against the Storm" was released in 1974, and "The smile on the Morning of December" 1974, and "Always in My Heart" in 1975 and was followed by several other titles.

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Source of information: http://www.bioseleb.com
Biography Santi Sardi Biography Santi Sardi Reviewed by Erik Priana on 1:17 AM Rating: 5

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