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Biography Sania

Sania Profile | Celebrity profile - Siti Tuti Susilawati Sutisna or better known by the name of Sania (born in Bandung, West Java, precisely on December 29, 1975). Sania is a singer nationality Indonesia. Sania known as R & B music bearers. The singer has released pop-rock album "Port of the Heart" by the popular name Tuttie Gretha.

Sania began his career in the music world after being a finalist in several rock festivals in West Java. And even brought the stage name Tuttie Gretha, Sania had made a slow rock album in 1991 "Port of the Heart" and the group Tutti Frutti along Lela Monica (sinetron "Dr. Sartika") and Rina Rosdiana released a mini-album titled "Lost Age" in the same year. Pity after that Sania did not continue singing career in Indonesia. He instead decided to continue his studies at the David Game College, London, England. However, this decision is not entirely wrong, for there he met with the music group Eternal who then asked Sania to make a CD single with vocals Sania.

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Back to Indonesia, Sania was offered Guest Music Production is very concerned with the development of Hip-Hop, Rap and R & B, to make Sania's first album with shades of R & B. Relaxing titled album (1998) relies on coincidence song is titled the same as the hits album. Four years later, released his second album titled Sania Bablas (2002) and Love I'm After (2006) four years after the second album appeared. In his third album, Thunder Soekarnoputra Sania invites musicians, cultivation, and also Imaniar, who later gave a different color than the previous albums. Sania originally known by the color of his R & B, the album is more 'romantic' although admittedly still found elements of the beat.

Sania started out using the popular name Tuttie Gretha and he released an album titled "Ports Heart" in 1991 in a large record company and is also popular in the 80s JK Records, Gretha Tuttie name is alm administration. Denny Sabri (Manager almh. Nike Ardilla that introduced him to producer JK Records, Judhi Kristiantho), after this album Tuttie joined the group Tutti Frutti, this time using the name Tuttie Tzania.

Perhaps this is the origin of the name of Sania name used, by the name of Sania then released an album titled "Relaxed" who popularized the name is. The album was released in 1998 gave hits All People Relaxing and Changed Kan, continued in 2002 to rely Bablas Bablas song, followed by I Love Again.

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Source of information: http://www.bioseleb.com
Biography Sania Biography Sania Reviewed by Erik Priana on 10:15 PM Rating: 5

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